Teacher Created Materials Blog

6 Tips to Simplify Your Science Instruction

Written by Melissa Hypolite, Teacher | Jun 27, 2024 4:17:02 PM

Science invites students to ask questions and grapple with complex ideas about the world around us. However, science instruction need not be complex! The six tips outlined in this article ensure that science instruction is simple for teachers, yet engaging for students.

Simplicity in Science Instruction

Teaching science can sometimes feel like such a daunting task, especially if you feel like science isn’t “your thing” or if the idea of managing science experiments is overwhelming. Science is for everyone, and projects can be incorporated simply! Implement these six strategies to simplify science instruction and complement science programming in your school or classroom.

Use materials you have on hand

I often find myself running to the store to purchase every item required for a fun lab activity. Over time, though, my out-of-pocket project costs can really add up! Using materials that are already on my school campus or purchasing items that can be used repeatedly each year is very helpful. One of my favorite simple demonstrations is the burning money demo. It requires a beaker, water, rubbing alcohol, tongs, and a bill (I usually use whatever is in my wallet at the time). The only thing I must purchase year after year is the rubbing alcohol. A simple demonstration with easy-to-secure materials will keep your students engaged and stop you from burning through actual money, too!

Prepare ahead of time

For any activity or experiment you will conduct as part of your science instruction, it is essential to prepare ahead of time by gathering all the necessary materials, prepping any activity sheets, or recording logs, and putting everything together in a specific spot in your classroom on the day of the experiment. Although preparation requires time spent on the front end, it means you won’t be scrambling around the classroom wasting time during your science lesson, which will allow your students maximum time to learn and explore. The investment of preparation time will also allow you to relax and focus on the science instruction in the moment.

Pick a phenomenon of the week

Why do letters appear backwards when you look at them through a glass of water? Why do Mentos make soda explode out of a two-liter bottle? Strange science phenomena are everywhere. The website Phenomena for NGSS shows images or brief videos of phenomena in the world around us that are all based on science.

One of my favorite NGSS phenomena is the “Cheerios Effect.” I brought a few different sized bowls from home and students were able to make observations regarding ways the cheerios clustered together in milk in variously shaped and sized bowls. Although vary basic, it was a fun lesson that led to discussions about molecules, surface tension, density, and forces of attraction.

By focusing on a unique scientific phenomenon, your science instruction can stay fresh and engaging for students without the requirement of extensive research for teachers. Draw inspiration from these or other phenomena your students observe and expand instruction around key areas of interest or standards for your grade level.

Rely on virtual demonstrations

It’s not always possible to run an experiment in your classroom due to any number of restrictions, like space, time, or chemical components. Luckily, technology is here to help! If you’d like to share a project or experiment and you are unable to physically perform the demonstration in class, online videos can be a nice substitution. (They are also an excellent preparation resource for teachers to preview for in-class experiments, too.) Be sure to preview and vet any video you’ll share with students.

Tie activities to seasons and holidays

Connecting experiments to the holidays makes projects and experiments memorable for students! For example, instead of simply having students explore the rates at which sugar will dissolve in water when the solvent is heated or stirred, use some of that leftover Halloween candy instead. (If it’s spring, pick up some boxes of Peeps!)

For some excitement with chemical reactions, a fun option is to carve a pumpkin and then combine vinegar, baking soda, soap, and water with some food coloring. You can easily find the steps for this classic experiment and get a preview of what happens when those items are combined.

Create interactive notebooks

Interactive notebooks are tools that are often used in subjects like science. The notebook is typically divided into sections with a clear structure, but a unique feature is that students can personalize them by including their own notes, observations, and reflections.

Have students keep all their materials for the year in an interactive notebook—from labs to prototypes for structures, and notes from class activities. Having all their science material in one spot keeps the kids organized and teaches them practices that scientists truly use!

Engaging science instruction doesn’t have to be costly or complex for teachers. Simplify science instruction with these year-round tips for teachers to make science fun and stress-free for everyone in your classroom.